Friday, 7 October 2016

Sharp, Showing Off A Cell Phone Concept "Corner R"

Sharp, Showing Off A Cell Phone Concept "Corner R"
Sharp, which is now owned by Foxconn, showed off concept phone looks very installation because it uses curved screen on its side and completely without face.

Phone screen R called acute angle view free model using was created using aigzo technology size of 5.2 inches with resolution of 1.920 x 1,080 pixels, or ppi density bixilnia 425. Could actually have the technology to maximize aigzo screen density a to the DPI.

Because the light without bezel, presentation on the corner R ' Mr ' 90% of the front of the phone, complete with navigation buttons at the bottom.

Cell phone concept was exhibited in 2016 Satish, exhibition in Japan, last Thursday. Not clearly revealed when cell phones began to the audience, because this time specifications do not corner R with Sharpe.

Research and development corner instead of a cell phone without bezel offered first by sharp. In 2014, and then offered the company itself also in the AQUOS 305SH, who was digadang-gadang as mobile phone without one side in the world.

While the corner R it's not just a mobile phone without a face, on its side also equipped with curved screen.

