Friday, 7 October 2016

HTC ready production "HTC BOLT"

HTC ready production "HTC BOLT"
Who said HTC will give up? Proof of origin Taiwan manufacturers this instead created a new phone bolt ready to tease fans.

As in other factors mobile phone design-one of the strengths of this phone. Arguably form as derived directly from HTC mobile phones main 10. It's a shame she didn't any info, but it seems to be putting the problem specification less than HTC.

What is interesting, bolt will be the first mobile phone called the "HTC Bolt" feed nougat 7.0. In fact there are pixels and "XL", but both of the phones actually is arrangement and developed Google technically there is no HTC brand there.

When you switch to camera, the design looks great highlights views if bolt given the same ability with a camera used by HTC 10. If this speculation could be promising bolt due to the quality of the footage from HTC capable 10.

So far not yet known when the phone was released. But that mobile phone dubbed Acadia this alternative world, so it will appear dixbiktasi exist in many countries ranging from the United States, Asia, and Africa.

