Wednesday 9 October 2019

What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

While surfing the internet you might have heard about the word ‘Cookies‘. Today different websites use cookies to boost the best user experiences.

In today's article, I will talk about How to install cookie notifications on your blogger's blog.

What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

What exactly are cookies and how do they work?
Well, it's not that sweet artery-clogging goodness that grandma whips up in the kitchen we are talking about website cookies which are formally called HTTP cookies.
A cookie is a small piece of data from a specific website that is stored on a user's computer while they are browsing the web. They can have many functions such as keeping track of users browsing activity to serve up targeted information such as ads for goods or services this is why when you are browsing amazon for a Halloween costume for your dog you might see ads for more dog costumes on facebook later that day. Cookies can also have simple functions like remembering your login details for a specific website such as facebook so that you can close out of it and then reopen it again later without having to log back in again. Cookies can also allow website owners to track exactly how many unique visitors they are getting to their website because each cookie has its unique id so if the user visits the same website two or three times in a day a cookie can allow us to count this as one unique viewer so website owners can collect more accurate data about their website traffic.

Where did the cookie come from and how did it get its name?
Well, the first cookie was invented in 1994 by a 24-year-old programmer for Netscape communications named Lou Montulli.  He was creating an online store for a company that said that their servers were getting too full from storing each user's shopping cart data while they were browsing the store. So Lou is asked to figure out a way to store each user's shopping cart data on their computer which would then save server space for the company and saved them money as well. Lou thought back to an old computing token called the magic cookie which was used to identify when somebody would log into a system by passing a tiny bit of information between the server and their computer. He then recreated this concept for web browsing and thus the modern-day cookie was born. Cookies today are still used to identify your computer but now they have the added function of also tracking your activity which can be very helpful or a breach in privacy depending on how the website decides to use this information. This is why you get that little notification whenever you visit a website that uses cookies because they are legally obligated to inform you in their cookie policy of what they use these cookies for.

Install Cookie Notifications on Blogger

Step by step guide to install cookie notifications on blogger.

To add cookie notification on your blog, we will use a website called Cookie Consent. This website provides the feature of editing notification layout and adjusting it as per our need.
You can visit the Cookie Consent site by clicking here.  You will have the home page and need to click on the top menu option called download.  By clicking the download you will visit this page:

What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?


What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

The first section is the position.  We can select the desired position where we want our cookies bar to display.


What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

The 2nd section is the layout. It helps us in choosing layout of our choice for cookie notification. But I will suggest you leave it as it is because they all look quite the same.


What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

The 3rd section is palette. It provides us the different variations of color to customization our notification bar.


What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

learn more Links section is where we are specifically used to send our user to an existing page of our website when they click on it. There are two options.


What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

The next section is the Compliance type. Again, this is also helpful option for the user. There are three available under this option.
The first option only tells your users that your website uses cookies, but the second and third options offer some advanced features. They provide some additional features to your user, such as Eg deleting cookies, deleting the message, etc.

However, to do this, you'll need to make some preliminary changes to your site. So from my point of view, just click on the first one, as I did.


What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

The last section is a custom text. Here we can write the message we want to display the user when the cookies bar is going to appear.

When you have finished the above 6 options we can copy the generated header and body code on the right-hand side one by one and paste it in our blogs Html code. Now go to the  and click on the theme section on the left-hand sidebar then click on Edit Html.

What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

Now paste the header's code before the </head> tag like in the image below:

What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

and paste the body's code before the </body> tag.

What Are Cookies And How Do They Work?

Save the theme and refresh your page you will get the cookies notification bar on your website.

