Google recently introduced the instant messaging service WhatsApp to resist domination. Although not yet officially released, the application named Allo be boycotted Edward Snowden.
In his Twitter account, Snowden revealed the reason. He said Google decided to disable end-to-end encryption in Allo by way of default. This aspect is judged dangerous pass.
"Make it safe. Avoid this time too," urged Snowden.
Google's decision to disable end-to-end encryption by default in its new #Allo chat app is dangerous, and makes it unsafe. Avoid it for now.
Edward Snowden (@Snowden) May 19, 2016
As with the mat caught the Google I / O 2016, the Internet search giant introduced Allo. This service is actually tantamount together instant messages that have not circulated when this bit.
It's just curious is because Google is making. Being in want there is an interesting innovation in embedded Google into Allo.
Also In essence, Allo in Arm variety of standard features instant messaging services, such as emoji, stickers, or send a photograph. But there is one feature that is only available in a handful of instant messaging services, namely digital assistants. Yes, Google Assistant is called embedded as the field of Allo.
Being with Google Assistant in Allo, consumers could not be bothered to type kala should want to answer incoming messages. Pass pronounce it, so Google Assistant will translate it into the form of a text to be sent.
Google Assitant also claimed the smarter, the introduction of natural language terharap optimized so the customer does not need to necessarily speak the language flexible joint. Despite stiff pronunciation, Google Assistant may be able to recognize it.
Beyond that Google Assistant buried in Allo also allow customers seeking news of the sighting necessarily Allo. Stayed mentioned the key word, first sentence that would found the information. The concept is like when using Google Now, just be done through Allo.