Sunday, 9 October 2016

Cyber Attacks Vulnerable Attack Seniors

Cyber Attacks Vulnerable Attack Seniors

Cyber attacks can happen to anyone, including the nickname of older seniors. The latest research from Kaspersky Lab and B2B international, expressed concern about Internet security to participate in the activities of users over the age of 55 years.

In a report entitled ' older and wiser? Look at the threats faced by over-55s online ', finds that this age group could act not safe when online, and often become victims of fraud.

These results are alarming. Because, as research shows respondents 12,546 of Internet users around the world, the older generation is actually extremely attractive target for cybercriminals.

When you are online, rather than shopping and banking activities, communicate with people who love without protect ourselves effectively, as well as other things that are important to them, the threat of cybercriminals.

Regardless of the security software installed on their computers, this age tend not to protect mobile devices or change the behaviour when online so keep it safe.

For example, use privacy settings on social networks but not in the browser even less than any other age group (30% versus 38%). as they do not use the security function in the device (such as ' find my machine ') or VPN-28% and 10 per cent compared to 42 per cent and 16 per cent of users in all age groups.

When exchanging information, only 35% that do double check before sending the message, and only 16 percent avoid sharing information while exhausted (versus 44% and 31% among younger respondents).

The older generations use the Internet for various aspects of their lives. This may increase vulnerability to cyber criminals if they continue to play online without taking the necessary precautions.

They are using the Internet to connect with others-94% of this age group using e-mail messages regularly. They are also available online to do daily activities. This age group is more likely than others to do financial transactions over the Internet, with 90% of shopping and banking online activities (compared to average 84 per cent of users in all age groups).

Although the report on the results of this research, in fact only half of this age group (49 per cent) who are worried about their vulnerability when buying products online, and the vast majority (86 percent) do not think they are a target for cybercriminals.

Annoying, four in ten (40%) are putting themselves in a position of risk sharing financial details in the General area (compared to 15 per cent in all age groups).

Cyber Attacks Vulnerable Attack Seniors

Lack of intelligence to act online make this age less ready against dangers in the online world. As a result, this generation has become a victim of cyber criminals.

According to the report, 20% of Internet users generally elderly relatives who berhadban with malware, and 14% had relatives in the same age group have fooled with fake prize draws online.

In addition, 13% of their relatives who have been sharing too much personal information online and 12% have relatives who have been victims of online fraud, see inappropriate content, or communicating with strangers who pose online.

"On the one hand, this conclusion is good to see so many respondents who are over 55 years old use the Internet for shopping and banking activities, staying in touch with loved ones," Prime "consumer business call" in lab Kaspersky Andre mukula.

The report says clearly shows that this generation of life support, with all the opportunities that come with it.

On the other hand, however, it is clear that this age group do not protect themselves properly. More disturbing yet, and they don't think they are targets for criminals in cyberspace, until they put themselves in danger many times.

Mukula said "at Kaspersky Lab, we encourage Internet users in this age group to be more aware of the risks they face online, work smarter,".

He also encouraged Kaspersky Internet helps users at an early age, brothers and friends who are older to be able to protect itself from the real threat posed by cyber criminals.

"We have to support them to be wary of the Internet, as well as reliable security solutions and ensure high privacy settings on all computers used to access the Internet, will ensure more life is happy and healthy,"
