Cellular Telephone new flagship of the Chinese maker OnePlus, which OnePlus 3, can be inaugurated on June 15 in China. Since the launch time is 10: 00 when China, the telephone will indeed was rolled out to 22: 00 to June 14 in the US
OnePlus express this through a website written in Chinese; invitation consists of a little over time, the date and the number akbar "3".
In up to date, OnePlus and posted the many results of invitations for children in China, Korea, India and many other countries, to draw the future of mobile phone reply.
As far as the OnePlus 3 departed, all we know the rumors, but quite interesting press leaked photograph shows a metal device along the familiar (read: iPhone-like) design.
rumored details of the mobile telephone which also includes full HD monitor, Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of storability, 16 megapixel rear camera and 8-megapixel shooter in front of the field.