Takes another step towards taking reality (VR) for virtual technologi mass, Fb since started taking pictures 360 degrees for newsfeed Thursday. Fb buyers at this time able to upload a photograph 360-degree For writing them, and they must appear in the newsfeed all the people directly.
If considered along with Samsung mobile phone that is compatible, Fb and will display a special "look at VR" button. Customer after that just need to enter your telephone headsets Accessories VR them to witness the photograph in which more profound experience.
What is missing until now from applying Fb which indeed was the choice to bring a photograph 360 degrees. Fb product manager Andy Huang not advise the buyer in writing a blog Thursday For utilizing the "360 application photo."
Really, photograph 360 degrees is not exactly what tricks the most interesting to experience VR. However in addition to the means For Fb timeline format can be interesting for grabbing hook is not a few people regard VR excited, especially because the VR headset phone ownership continues to increase. Samsung watch more than one million customer reply to the VR headset Accessories bln April alone, and while it was giving himself headset For people buying mobile phones qualification.