Successor smart watches Apple Watch rumored to be launched by Apple in June at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference event held on 13 to 17 June 2016. The latest leaked reveal wearable gadget that may carry the name of Apple Watch 2 will be thinner by 40 percent of the size of the now.
Additional possibilities that are included Apple is the increased battery life, FaceTime camera, and GPS features. GPS support is one feature that is eagerly awaited by users of Apple gadgets. Such a feature is especially useful for hobbyists running, in order to monitor the path without depending on the iPhone.
This is expressed by an analyst at The Wall Street following a visit to a factory in China that supplies components smart watches Apple devices. After meeting with one of those suppliers, analyst Brian White said Apple Watch 2 will be released before September, the month that has been touted as a month of the launch of the iPhone 7.
There is no information when Apple Watch 2 will begin shipping to customers, but following the tradition of Apple after the announcement, a few weeks later can be ordered and shipped directly.
Rumors about Apple Watch 2 has begun to emerge since the end of last year and some of which came from China. Almost all of them said the launch was the second quarter of 2016 according to leaked this time.