Friday, 22 January 2016

Microsoft Patented Technologies 'Surface Pen'

Microsoft Patented Technologies 'Surface Pen'
Microsoft spent a lot of effort for the sake of Surface Pen. No wonder if the software giant is felt to be securing the homemade stylus technology.

Currently, Microsoft is developing Surface Pen unnecessary battery life. This device will be in-charge when attached to the Surface. This patent illustrates Pen Surface which utilizes a special docking to recharge. This docking intangible as the device itself, but rather is attached to another device, the Surface tablet.

Thus, Surface latest Pen will have a recharging feature when affixed to a tablet or laptop. Another speculation even mention Microsoft also will attach it to a docking Surface Book.

Technically, this may be realized. But Microsoft needs to do a redesign, mainly making Surface Pen thinner, so that it can fit on docking are pinned on the tablet. Panos Panay responsible in charging technology division of Microsoft said, Surface Pen is part of the vision of the company from Redmond, Washington, the United States. That is, small accessories will continue to experience growth, following the latest version of the Surface.

"We are 100% committed to eliminating the paradigm that uses the stylus as writing on the glass. We had a lot of technology today, not only in the laboratory but for the future development of our products. One of them makes Surface Pen is perfect," he said.

